Showing posts with label "Taking action to bring refugee families together". Show all posts
Showing posts with label "Taking action to bring refugee families together". Show all posts


Taking action to bring refugee families together/ Gweithredu i aduno teuluoedd o ffoaduriaid at ei gilydd.

Dear Croeso Teifi Supporters,

As a Charity Croeso Teifi aims to provide aid to refugees and to work with other organisations sharing our charitable purposes. To this end I would like to bring your attention to the Amnesty initiative to take action in helping to bring refugee families together.

There is a Private Members' Bill on refugee family reunion that will have it's second reading in the House of Commons on March 16th 2018.

Could you urge your MP to attend the debate on 16th march and support the bill?

If so please go to link below to send your MP an email and find further information:

The bill seeks to: 
   *Expand the criteria of who qualifies as a 'family member' of a refugee;
   *Give child refugees in the UK the right to sponsor their family members to join them under the refugee family reunion rules;
   *Reintroduce legal aid for refugee family reunion applications, which stopped in 2013.

The bill, introduced by Angus MacNeil MP, is co-sponsored by a cross-party group of MPs who feel the current refugee family reunion rules are too restrictive.

To take action and help change the current situation go to:

I apologise for sending this to those who may have already taken action.
Best wishes,

Annwyl Gefnogwyr Croeso Teifi,
Yn ei rôl fel Elusen, mae Croeso Teifi yn anelu at ddarparu cymorth i ffoaduriaid a gweithio gyda sefydliadau eraill sy'n rhannu ein dibenion elusennol. I'r perwyl hwn hoffwn dynnu’ch sylw at fenter Amnest i weithredu i helpu i ddod â theuluoedd o ffoaduriaid yn ôl at ei gilydd.

Mae Mesur Aelodau Preifat ar aduno teuluoedd o ffoaduriaid a fydd yn cael ei ail ddarlleniad yn Nhŷ'r Cyffredin 16eg mis Mawrth 2018.

A allech chi annog eich AS i fynychu'r ddadl ar 16eg o Fawrth ac i gefnogi'r mesur?

Os felly, ewch i'r ddolen isod i anfon e-bost at eich AS a dod o hyd i ragor o wybodaeth:

Mae'r mesur yn ceisio:
  * Ehangu meini prawf am bwy sy'n gymwys fel 'aelod o'r teulu' i ffoadur;
  * Rhoi hawl i ffoaduriaid sy’n blant yn y DU noddi aelodau o’u teuluoedd i ymuno â nhw o dan reolau aduno teuluoedd o ffoaduriaid;
  * Dod yn ôl â chymorth cyfreithiol ar gyfer ceisiadau aduno teuluoedd o ffoaduriaid, a beidiodd yn 2013.

Mae'r mesur, a gyflwynwyd gan Angus MacNeil AS, yn cael ei gyd-noddi gan grŵp trawsbleidiol o ASau sy'n teimlo bod y rheolau am aduno teuluoedd o ffoaduriaid yn rhy gyfyngol.

I weithredu a helpu i newid y sefyllfa bresennol ewch i:

Ymddiheuraf am anfon hyn at y rhai sydd efallai wedi gweithredu eisoes.
Dymuniadau gorau