Showing posts with label Maggie nicols. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maggie nicols. Show all posts


Dates for your diary // Dyddiad ar gyfer dy ddyddiadur


There are different ways that you can support Croeso Teifi: come to a fundraising event or ...
You can arrange a fundraising event in your community, church, chapel
or organisation. If you would like someone to come and talk about the
project contact us
Mae gwahanol ffyrdd y gallwch gefnogi Croeso Teifi: yn dod i ddigwyddiad codi arian neu ...
Gallwch drefnu digwyddiad codi arian yn eich cymuned, eglwys, capel
neu sefydliad. Os hoffech i rywun ddod i siarad am y prosiect, cysylltwch
â ni
07791 809 810



May 13 Mai Noson Bara Menyn

Musicians: Maggie Nicols [singer], Paul Uden [guitarist]; Peter Stacey [guitarist] & Rachel Hargrave [percussionist]

Cerddorion: Maggie Nicols [canwr], Paul Uden [gitarydd]; Peter Stacey [gitarydd] & Rachel Hargrave [offerynnau taro]
Bara Menyn


Ioga - 1 Sesiwn Preifat NEU 3 Dosbarth gyda Meriel Goss
Triniaeth Adweitheg 1 awr gan Calon gyda Pheobe Partridge neu Charlotte Thorpe.
2 awr Glanhau neu ddyletswyddau Gwarchod Plant gan Anna Erben
2 awr Torri porfa / Strimio gan Lee Dibden

Gweithiau Celf a Gwrthrychau
Drych hynafol
Darn ceramig gan Audrey Richardson
Print gan Erica 
Frances George

Cerflun gan Caroline Juler
Print gan Elizabeth Haines
Llond Crêt o Gwrw Crefft, Bragwyr Bluestone

Private Yoga Session OR 3 classes with Meriel Goss
1hr Reflexology treatment from Calon with Pheobe Partridge or Charlotte Thorpe.
2hrs Cleaning or Nanny duties from Anna Erben
2hrs Mowing/Strimming from Lee Dibden
Art Works and Objects
Antique mirror
Ceramic piece by Audrey Richardson
Print by Erica Frances George
Sculpture by Caroline Juler
Print by Elizabeth Haines
Crate of Artisan beer Bluestone Brewery

Facebook event
