Showing posts with label fundraising. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fundraising. Show all posts


Dates for your diary // Dyddiad ar gyfer dy ddyddiadur


There are different ways that you can support Croeso Teifi: come to a fundraising event or ...
You can arrange a fundraising event in your community, church, chapel
or organisation. If you would like someone to come and talk about the
project contact us
Mae gwahanol ffyrdd y gallwch gefnogi Croeso Teifi: yn dod i ddigwyddiad codi arian neu ...
Gallwch drefnu digwyddiad codi arian yn eich cymuned, eglwys, capel
neu sefydliad. Os hoffech i rywun ddod i siarad am y prosiect, cysylltwch
â ni
07791 809 810



Croeso Teifi news

Croeso Teifi is now a CIO, a Charitable Incorporated Organisation with its own Trustees.

At times the journey seemed endless, just to get the necessary permissions to meet our modest goal to host a few Syrian families in Cardigan. 

In the last days we passed two important milestones. We became a CIO - a charitable incorporated organisation and we got £10,200 in our bank account. Two months ago we had £7,200. Tomorrow we will have nearly £11,000.

This extraordinary growth in money is due to the enthusiasm and generosity of many people, all local or known to us. There have been no grants or crowd funders yet. 

So now we have past these milestones, at last the local authority in Ceredigion can arrange a meeting with us, hopefully to give us their approval, which can be followed by approval from the Home Office. The timing? We depend on others whose timing can be unpredictable, but we hope it will be 2-3 months til we get these approvals and can start seeking the right family or families for Cardigan.

To get this far has involved a lot of work - we now have policies of all kinds, we go to lots of training, even as far as London. We had a trauma awareness training today. We found two sympathetic landlords and we have teams with lead coordinators for every aspect of the work, well almost. There are still a few vacancies if you reading this have some time or skill to give: We are all volunteers and there is always danger of exhaustion, a few people tackling each task will make  a great difference.

Email if you can help:

And we need to reach another financial milestone to host two families.

We need £18,000 in total. More if it's an extended second family.

On Saturday 24th June,  we plan an information coffee morning in a church hall with a little film, this is not to raise funds but to discuss the project, seek ideas for improvements and share our knowledge so far.

If you want to help, please do, but be warned, your enthusiasm can lure you into a lot of work. You may grow skills and knowledge in unexpected areas. You could end up running an auction or meeting with the home office and explaining how they need to do their job, or folding raffle tickets, or learning about mental health, excel or Arabic or listening to the Koran sung in the sunshine. 

I am still tired from my late night shift on Saturday where I had to listen to some of the most stunning music in Wales, eat soup, drink wine and do things you wouldn't dare do at a party. [Noson Bara Menyn]

We are part of a wider movement especially in Wales where teams like ours are developing similar schemes in Cardiff, Aberystwyth, Fishguard, Narberth, Haverfordwest. The first community sponsored family in Wales is due in June. They are Kurds, a minority in their country with some great traditions including equality between men and women.

If you're feeling brave or bored or undervalued or generous, come and help us, jump in and swim, the water's bracing but lovely. Do share...





Cor Cei blows us away // Côr Cei yn ein hysbrydoli

Last Tuesday evening (25th April), this lovely Newquay-based choir sang their hearts out for Croeso Teifi. Their rousing programme of folk, traditional, pop songs and hymns was only marred by the small turnout at Pontgarreg's attractive village hall. Still, the choir (which includes a couple of guitar players as well as their regular keyboard accompanist and several great soloists) say they perform for the love of it, no matter who's listening, and that certainly showed.

Their leader, Matthew Baynham (who himself has a lovely singing voice), had devised a fascinating sequence of tunes on the theme of 'All the seasons round', with the first half dedicated to 'the changing year' and the second, more poignantly - considering Croeso Teifi's
aims - concentrating on 'The drift from the land'. The music tripped from such gems as 'Tis the gift to be simple' and the Shaker tune from Copeland's 'Appalachian spring' to 'Linden Lea', 'Dyma gariad fel y moroedd' and a French folk tune called 'Noel Nouvelet'. Here was cultural homogeneity in diversity, or simply the power of music from across the world to unite people from across the world (well, eight members of the public anyhow!) no matter where they come from. The second half of the programme brought us melodies with challenging messages about the need for social and economic equality - who we are and want to be. They included deeply lyrical and romantic heart-lifters and jokey melodies such as 'The jovial collier', 'The net hauling song', 'Sosban Fach' and 'The Jute Mill Song'.

Half way through, Croeso Teifi made a short presentation about its resettlement scheme for Syrian refugee families, and donations flooded in. A huge thanks to Cor Cei and the Pontgarreg hall committee for making this happen. 

Nos Fawrth diwethaf (25ain Ebrill), bu’r côr hyfryd o Gei Newydd yn morio canu dros Croeso Teifi. Trueni nad oedd rhagor wedi dod i neuadd bentref ddeniadol Pontgarreg i glywed eu rhaglen fywiog o ganeuon gwerin, caneuon traddodiadol, emynau a chaneuon pop. Ond mae’r Côr, (sy'n cynnwys un neu ddau o chwaraewyr gitâr yn ogystal â'u cyfeilydd bysellfwrdd rheolaidd a nifer o unawdwyr gwych) yn dweud eu bod yn perfformio oherwydd eu cariad at ganu, heb boeni am bwy sy'n gwrando, a bu hynny'n sicr yn amlwg.

Roedd eu harweinydd, Matthew Baynham (sydd â llais canu hyfryd ei hun), wedi dyfeisio dilyniant diddorol o alawon ar y thema 'Yr holl dymhorau', gyda'r hanner cyntaf yn ymwneud â’r newidiadau trwy’r flwyddyn, a'r ail hanner, yn fwy ingol - o ystyried amcanion Croeso Teifi - yn canolbwyntio ar adael y tir. Bu'r gerddoriaeth yn symud yn ysgafn o emau megis 'Tis the gift to be simple' a'r alaw Shaker o 'Wanwyn Appalachian' Copeland i 'Linden Lea', 'Dyma gariad fel y moroedd' ac alaw werin Ffrengig o'r enw 'Noel Nouvelet'. Felly cawsom gydrywiaeth ddiwylliannol trwy amrywiaeth, neu yn syml pŵer cerddoriaeth o bob cwr o'r byd i uno pobl o bob cwr o'r byd (wel, yr ychydig o'r cyhoedd oedd yno, ta beth!). Cyflwynodd ail hanner y rhaglen alawon gyda negeseuon heriol am yr angen am gydraddoldeb cymdeithasol ac economaidd - pwy ydym ni a phwy hoffen ni fod. Roeddent yn cynnwys darnau telynegol a rhamantus i godi’r galon ac alawon chwareus megis 'Y glöwr llawen', 'Cân tynnu’r rhwydi', 'Sosban Fach' a 'Cân y Felin Jiwt'.

Hanner ffordd drwy'r noson, gwnaeth Croeso Teifi gyflwyniad byr am ei gynllun i adsefydlu teuluoedd o ffoaduriaid o Syria, a llifodd y rhoddion i mewn. Diolch enfawr i Gôr Cei a phwyllgor Neuadd Pontgarreg am greu noson arbennig.



May 13 Mai Noson Bara Menyn

Musicians: Maggie Nicols [singer], Paul Uden [guitarist]; Peter Stacey [guitarist] & Rachel Hargrave [percussionist]

Cerddorion: Maggie Nicols [canwr], Paul Uden [gitarydd]; Peter Stacey [gitarydd] & Rachel Hargrave [offerynnau taro]
Bara Menyn


Ioga - 1 Sesiwn Preifat NEU 3 Dosbarth gyda Meriel Goss
Triniaeth Adweitheg 1 awr gan Calon gyda Pheobe Partridge neu Charlotte Thorpe.
2 awr Glanhau neu ddyletswyddau Gwarchod Plant gan Anna Erben
2 awr Torri porfa / Strimio gan Lee Dibden

Gweithiau Celf a Gwrthrychau
Drych hynafol
Darn ceramig gan Audrey Richardson
Print gan Erica 
Frances George

Cerflun gan Caroline Juler
Print gan Elizabeth Haines
Llond Crêt o Gwrw Crefft, Bragwyr Bluestone

Private Yoga Session OR 3 classes with Meriel Goss
1hr Reflexology treatment from Calon with Pheobe Partridge or Charlotte Thorpe.
2hrs Cleaning or Nanny duties from Anna Erben
2hrs Mowing/Strimming from Lee Dibden
Art Works and Objects
Antique mirror
Ceramic piece by Audrey Richardson
Print by Erica Frances George
Sculpture by Caroline Juler
Print by Elizabeth Haines
Crate of Artisan beer Bluestone Brewery

Facebook event



Ddiwrnod hyfryd am dro - a lovely day for a walk

Taith gerdded noddedig ar gyfer Croeso Teifi a Chroeso Arberth,  Dydd Sul diwetha. Amroth i Lanussyllt ac yn ôl, ar a traeth.

A sponsored walk for Croeso Teifi and Croeso Arberth, last Sunday. Amroth to Saundersfoot and back, on the beach.


Croeso Cymunedol i Deuluoedd o Syria

Mae cynllun y llywodraeth o'r enw 'Nawdd Cymunedol' yn caniatáu i ni ddod â dau neu dri theulu awdurdodedig sy’n ffoi rhag rhyfel Syria i gartref diogel yn Aberteifi. Byddwn yn cwrdd â nhw yn y maes awyr ac yn darparu cartref a chynllun integreiddio. Gallant weithio o'r diwrnod cyntaf, a chael yr un budd-daliadau a chefnogaeth â theulu Prydeinig, am bum mlynedd. Gallant wedyn wneud cais i aros yma os dymunant, neu ddychwelyd i Syria os bydd yn briodol. Mae gennym gyfieithwyr, ysgolion, athrawon, cartrefi a ffrindiau yn barod ar eu cyfer.

Mae cynllun y llywodraeth yn mynnu bod digon o arian yn ein helusen er mwyn dangos ein bod yn gallu gwneud y gwaith yn dda. Mae angen i ni godi £9,000 i achub teulu. Os hoffech chi roi neu helpu mewn unrhyw ffordd, cysylltwch â ni

 Mae Nawdd Cymunedol:

·          ar wahân i gynlluniau'r llywodraeth

·          yn cael ei ariannu a’i redeg gan y gymuned

·          yn cael ei fonitro gan y Swyddfa Gartref

·          yn arloesol: mae hyn yn ffordd newydd i fynd i'r afael â heriau mewnfudo a ffoaduriaid yn y DU

·          wedi’i fodelu ar gynllun noddi cymunedol Canada sydd yn boblogaidd a llwyddiannus ac sy’n rhedeg ers 40 mlynedd.

·          yn agored i’r gymuned gyfan. Cysylltwch os hoffech helpu mewn unrhyw ffordd

·          yn gweithio gyda'r Awdurdod Lleol a gwasanaethau cyhoeddus

·          yn lledaenu i trwy Gymru


A Community Welcome for Syrian Families

A government scheme named 'Community Sponsorship' allows us to bring two or three approved families fleeing from war-torn Syria to a safe home in Cardigan. We will meet them at the airport and provide a home and an integration plan. They can work from day one, and have the same benefits and support as a British family, for five years. They can then apply to stay here if they wish, or return to Syria if appropriate. We have interpreters, schools, teachers, homes and friends ready for them.

The government scheme demands that we have enough money in our charity to show that we can do the job well. We need to raise £9,000 to save a family. If you would like to donate or to help in any way, do get in touch.

 Community Sponsorship is:

·          separate from government schemes

·          paid for and run by the community

·          monitored by the Home Office

·          innovative: this is a new way to address the immigration and refugee challenges in the UK

·          modelled on Canada's successful popular scheme which has run for 40 years

·          open to the whole community. Get in touch if you would like to help in any way

·          working with the Local Authority and public services

·          spreading through Wales
Donate Volunteer Fundraise Contact // Rhoi Gwirfoddoli Codi Arian Cysylltu









Annual Pancake Supper Llangoedmor Swper Crempog Blynyddol

Roedd dan ei sang, heb yr un sedd sbâr.

Rhoddodd Vicky sgwrs fer am Croeso Teifi, ac roedd casgliad i helpu i ddod â theuluoedd o Syria i gartref diogel yn Aberteifi. Daliodd y Parch. John Bennett y naws o roi a gwerthfawrogi - pobl yn cefnogi ei gilydd a'r byd ehangach. Roedd y crempogau cartrefol, llawn wyau, wedi'u coginio yn berffaith, a llifon nhw’n rhwydd o bowlen i radell i blât, gan gael eu dilyn gan baneidiau mewn llestri. Roedd tîm o gogyddion yn rhoi sut dendans fel bod dim un plât na chwpan heb ei llenwi.

It was fuller than ever with no seat spare.

Vicky gave a short talk about Croeso Teifi, and there was a collection to help bring Syrian families to a safe home in Cardigan. Rev. John Bennett captured the mood of giving and appreciation - people supporting each other and the wider world. The homely and egg rich, perfectly cooked pancakes flowed unhesitatingly from bowl to griddles to plate chased by china cuppas. A synchronised team of cooks left no plate or cup unfilled.
Vicky Moller


photos: Christopher Frost


Donate Volunteer Fundraise Contact // Rhoi Gwirfoddoli Codi Arian Cysylltu

codi arian hwyl // fun fundraiser Ebrill 14 April Manylion / details

5.30 - 7.30 Skill Exchange
Power woodwork
Sort IT out (computer and phone surgery)
Felting art
Welsh stories
Install renewables
Conflict resolution
Dog training
Green burial
Price: £10 to surf the skills of your choice - Concessions available
six x 20 minutes sessions, or spend longer at fewer.

7.30 Dinner
Eastern style and Welsh dinners + bar + background music £11

8.15 Auction led by BBC commentator Kim Thomas
Some of the fabulous prizes to go under the hammer:
Painting by Keone
Replica bird made of natural materials by FForest Felt
Holistic massage from Karen Kildegard
Two course meal for two at Newport Canteen
Two course meal for two at Llys Meddyg
MOT at Newport Garage
Case of Bluestone beer (artisan brewery)
Colourful tree from Ty Rhos Trees
Cranial sacral therapy from Simon Whitehead
Yoga at woodland retreat Felinganol
Holiday near Newport with hot-tub

Raffle: prizes include NomNom chocolate

Raising money for commmunity sponsored settlement:
a welcome for Syrian families in Cardigan

click on photo to see larger

5.30 - 7.30 Cyfnewidfa Sgiliau
Gwaith coed gydag offer pŵer
Trin TG (meddygfa i’r cyfrifiadur a’r ffôn)
Crefftau ffeltio
Straeon Cymraeg
Gosod ynni adnewyddadwy a byw arno
Datrys gwrthdaro
Hyfforddi cŵn
Claddu gwyrdd
Pris: £10 i geisio'r sgiliau o'ch dewis - Gostyngiadau ar gael.
Chwech o sesiynau 20 munud, neu dreulio mwy o amser ar lai ohonynt.
7.30 Cinio
Ciniawau gyda blas y Dwyrain ac o Gymru + bar £11
8.15 Ocsiwn gyda chyflwynydd y BBC Kim Thomas
Dyma rai o'r gwobrau gwych i fynd o dan y morthwyl:
Paentiad gan Keone
Aderyn wedi’i wneud o ddeunyddiau naturiol gan Ffeltiau Fforest
Tylino cyfannol gan  Karen Kildegard
Pryd o fwyd dwy saig i ddau yn y Canteen,Trefdraeth
Pryd o fwyd dwy saig i ddau y Llys Meddyg
MOT yn Garej Trefdraeth
Casyn o gwrw Bluestone (bragdy grefftwr)
Coeden liwgar oddi wrth Dŷ Rhos
Therapi sacrol cranial gan Simon Whitehead
Ioga yn encil coetir Felinganol
Gwyliau ger Trefdraeth gyda thwb poeth

Rafl: gwobrau yn cynnwys siocled NomNom

Codi arian ar gyfer setlo dan nawdd cymunedol:
croeso i deuluoedd o Syria yn Aberteifi