Showing posts with label refugees in cardigan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label refugees in cardigan. Show all posts


Dates for your diary // Dyddiad ar gyfer dy ddyddiadur


There are different ways that you can support Croeso Teifi: come to a fundraising event or ...
You can arrange a fundraising event in your community, church, chapel
or organisation. If you would like someone to come and talk about the
project contact us
Mae gwahanol ffyrdd y gallwch gefnogi Croeso Teifi: yn dod i ddigwyddiad codi arian neu ...
Gallwch drefnu digwyddiad codi arian yn eich cymuned, eglwys, capel
neu sefydliad. Os hoffech i rywun ddod i siarad am y prosiect, cysylltwch
รข ni
07791 809 810